NAME : Abraxas Dracul
BEAST NAME : Kazıklı Voyvoda ( Impaler Lord )
CHRISTENED TITLES : "Lord of Impaling," "Nosferatu," "Count Dracula," "Impaler Prince," "Prince of Monsters," and "the Night of Wallachia."
SPECIES : Beast of Thought in a Homunculi's Body
MAGICAL INSIGNIA : The Seven Eyed Dragon of the Abyss
SOURCE : Mankind's cognitive unconsciousness, based off of the legends and myths surrounding Vlad Tepes
HEIGHT : 6'3" ( 190cm )
SEX : Not applicable, but feels most comfortable in a male presenting form

The third homunculus created by the Order of the Golden Faith. Originally an existence made to be an executioner of demons for the Church, Samael attempted to rebel against his creators after learning of the group's corruption.However, he is currently fused with the abstract existence known as "Abraxas Dracul." Abraxas is something called a "Beast of Thought," a cognitive-based creature formed from the unconscious consciousness of mankind. Essentially, nightmarish creatures can be born from human belief in the supernatural. The more humans believed in the myth, the stronger the beast is.Abraxas Dracul is the personification of all of the legends, fears, and other myths surrounding Vlad the Impaler. He is a vampire in every sense of the word, but is also far more than such a simple creature of the night. Abraxas is the night. He is the Night Which speaks of The End.Abraxas, in his current vessel, has black hair, black eyes, sharp canine teeth, and the magic circles that once ran rampant over Samael's body are also now dyed black. His fingernails are black. From his forearms down to his fingertips are also dull in color, going from gray to dark black at his fingertips. The same applies to his shins down to his toes. His body constitution as a Beast of Thought is inky and black in color, being the literal darkness one experiences at night. However, upon fusing with a physical vessel, that inky blackness is contained within. In addition to Samael's ( the previous inhabitant of this body ) biological regeneration capabilities, Abraxas can also use the Night within himself to regenerate. In order to kill him, you must destroy the concept of Count Dracula at it's root. Doing so would remove humanity's belief in the monster and, therefore, make Abraxas cease to exist.He is cunning and intelligent, but a playful facade hides his true nature. In actuality, Abraxas quite enjoys a good fight. As a monster-based beast, he loves carnage, bloodshed, indulging in sin, and other grotesque acts. Despite that, when donning a more serious demeanor, perhaps when vexed, he has the qualities of royalty. He speaks with the elegance of a true King, being based upon the King of All Vampires.

Mana, also called "Tychions" by scientists, is a unique form of energy. Mana is within every living thing, object, the stars, and everything in existence. They serve as the ultimate way of performing what mankind calls "miracles" to achieve desired affects. Such affects are achieved by equations and formulas that use physics in their calculations.However, Abraxas, being a conceptual beast, does not use magic. It is something similar yet greater and more potent than magic that borders changing the ways of the world more so than producing an effect. This power is called "Will." Unlike Angels and Demons, which possess something called "Laws," Abraxas is capable of imprinting his will onto reality to perform various feats. Laws and Wills are different in the sense that Angels and Demons, when using their Laws, must first extend their territory onto God's world. Doing so allows for an Angel or Demon to perform godly acts, but only within their domain. The same cannot be said for Wills, but because of that, the power Laws and Wills have are quite different. Laws directly affect the world while Wills bring about power from within one to perform feats.

A Treia țeapă : The Third Stake???The ultimate magic at Abraxas' disposal. Due to Vlad Tepes being infamous for using stakes to punish people, it has also become a signature staple within Dracula-related stories. With it, Abraxas creates stakes using the Night itself, but can also use blood and other materials to form them. With it, he boasts piercing power that can slay even high-ranking demons and angels alike, something that shouldn't ordinarily be possible for a mere Beast of Thought. It can pierce through nigh anything, but using his ultimate power comes at a cost. Due to stakes also being used as a means of killing Dracula, using this ability will cause damage to Abraxas. Stakes made of his own Night will pierce his body and eat away at his life. Recovery from full usage of this ability can take several days depending on how long it's used for.
Domnul întunecat : The Dark LordEXA power symbolizing his true nature as the Night embodied into a monster. With it, he is capable of performing shadow-related feats, using dark-based energy, and similar things. He can also become one with the shadows, become intangible by melding with the darkness ( but only at night or with sufficient darkness), and the like.
Sângeros Deces : Bloody DemiseA+As vampires are creatures centered around the consumption and manipulation of blood, so is Abraxas. He can use blood as a form of attack and can also consume blood to replenish the Night within him. When he does, however, Abraxas is not actually drinking the blood, but is consuming the power present within the blood. Being able to use blood as an attack also means that he is capable of spreading disease by infecting blood with energy-infused bacterium. Doing so will cause an infection to rapidly propagate within the target's body.
Nameless Spells : E - BAbraxas can use a wide variety of spells ranging from simple elemental powers to barriers, constructs of sorts, and the like. Pseudo telekinesis and similar abilities are also possible.

Abraxas has a unique physiology. As an abstract existence, his entire body is made up of the personified night. Within him exists an infinite darkness that swallows light whole. As the King of Monsters, Abraxas is very strong despite other peoples tendencies to look down upon him for being one of the shorter Beasts of Thought. He boasts enough strength to cause tidal waves with a wave of his hand and enough punching power to destroy a mountain.Regarding his speed, it can far exceed light itself. Due to not being governed by God's dominion, Abraxas is exempt from the laws of physics created by Him. However, in his current vessel, which thrives off of mana instead of the Night within him ( at the moment ), he can only reach his former speeds by utilizing both mana and his Night. This also translates to his combat speeds.His durability is also astonishing, for he cannot be attacked while in his cognitive state. Ordinary beings are incapable of harming concepts that are far higher than them in the "food chain," so to speak. More so, even if he is damaged, the infinite Night that comprises him will rebuild his spectral body. In the case of his vessel, however, the same cannot be said. Samael's body is quite tanky though and has built in regenerative features that provide decent defensive capabilities. Abraxas can also use his Night to fill in wounds until Samael's physical body naturally heals itself.Abraxas is proficient with weapons in general, each Beast of Thought having a weapon that corresponds to the magical insignia they are "born" with. His is a spear.

Coșmar fără sfârșit : Endless NightmareA+A spear, more like a terribly long stake, that symbolizes the power Abraxas holds as a Beast of Thought. It's English name is "Endless Nightmare." Those struck by this spear have the Night which constitutes it spread throughout the target's body in the form of many little stakes until they are consumed by it entirely.

For the sake of maintaining some RP relationships, I will continue to muse an alternate version of Samael where he beat Abraxas in their fight for control over his body. This version of Samael will have traits of Abraxas within himself, use some of his abilities, and etc. This version of Samael has dark black hair and has traits which mimic Abraxas' look upon possessing Sam's body.In the main timeline of events, after meeting Antares from the Universe of Solo Leveling and fighting Esdeath ( the current Monarch of Ice ), Abraxas has become the bearer of the title, "The Monarch of White Flames." With it, he can use Baran's powers as his own and has become significantly stronger. Baran's wiki page can be found here! Abraxas now has two horns sprouting from his head and has a white, fiery mane for hair.

"Beasts of Thought" / "Cognitive Demons"Refers to entities created by the consciousness of mankind. Paranormal creatures, deities, and other specimen can all be Beasts of Thought. Most well-known beings have a Beast of Thought that is distinct from their true self, the cognitive creation being humanity's perception of said beings. By those within the upper echelons of creation, Beasts of Thought are widely regarded as mere fakes of the beings they imitate. Even the One Above, named YAHWEH, has a Beast of Thought based upon Him; this Beast's name being "Demiurgos."
"Tychions" / "Mana"A form of energy not created by God Himself, but a byproduct of Him making all of creation within His image. With it, humans are capable of producing "miracles" through advanced calculations and formulas to produce a desired result. "Tychions" is its scientific name created by humanity, attempting to use their flawed logic to decipher the unwritten laws of the Universe.
"Homunculus"Human-based creatures mainly created by the Order of the Golden Faith, a religious organization that exists to thwart off demonkind. They are bioengineered executioners that mostly lack free-will.
"Samael Renato Vaughn"The executioner of death and the sole man who attempted to oppose the Order of the Golden Faith. A homunculus that uncovered the true grotesque nature of the organization that created him. After being defeated in battle by the leader of this organization, he was locked away due to being unkillable. However, a mysterious man offered him his freedom once more in exchange for his servitude, but Abraxas had other things to say regarding that. Samael is currently fused with that infamous Beast of Thought.
"The One Above" / "GOD"The creator of all things. Humanity knows Him as the Lord, the Heavenly Father, and other titles, but, in truth, He is no more than a great existence with a mind-like apparatus so complex that none could ever hope to understand His motives.
"Laws" and "Wills"Laws are powers which high-ranking Angels and Demons hold. Each Angel and Demon holds a separate Law within themselves that is unique to them. With it, they impose a Law onto God's world and perform miracles similar to the ones The One Above has enacted. Wills are a lesser form of law manipulation where the source of power comes from within oneself. As such, Wills usually create things using the caster as the basis while Laws impose a territory onto reality where their full abilities can be displayed.